Thursday, 14 August 2008


Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Angelic Angel Choir EVP Real?

by Faeden

I was reading up about spirit voices caught on tape recorders and came across this "EVP" (Electronic Voice Phenomena) that suggests its a recording from the spirit world. The people who recorded the E.V.P Marcello Bacci and Mark Macy are professional ITC paranormal researchers. Some say it is an angelic choir. There was no one in the room other than the two, and no way music or sounds from anywhere else could have been picked up on the sound recorder. They have many more strange voices on tape, but I found this one the most interesting, I am not saying that I believe it, but its certainly intriguing, as I know about these researchers, and they are very honest and professional.

Angels are always associated with music, being the harp connection, and trumpets, and singing. Do you believe that this following E.V.P is a angelic choir?

Violent Demonic Possession


In violent manifestations of demonic possession the ghost consciousness takes over and acts in a violent manner. Here are two examples:


by MJ462

Sunday, 10 August 2008

Top Secret UFO Nasa Tapes

Aliens - Unknown animals

Aliens and UFO in the space

What are these UFO? They should not be in these places!

Illuminati & Baphomet