Tuesday, 18 August 2009

I have finally succeeded in participating in person in the legendary Palio in Siena !!!

From the contradaioli ,inhabitants of every neighborhood,that they assemble him every in its own neighborhood to speak making prognostications, to the suffering of those people that, to assist from the balusters of the Piazza del Campo to be in the first row, has been being also soon already on the place for the morning under the Sun (also the undersigned...no from the morning but from the hours 15,00 I was there- NB), to the thousand of tourists that crowd, to the beautiful historical cortege with allegorical symbols and not, everything this and very more it is the Palio. In the neighborhood they born, they lives, they married us, it helps us and life is ended. The Palio is not only a run, it is a whole life and history that continues the whole year.
The public suffers in Piazza del Campo to the torrid heat, the contradaioli suffer for own colors, the starter suffer that a difficult and endless (as this last) to give START (la mossa - NB) must often manage suffers but at the end, as I have written on Facebook, the Palio remains you in the heart and in the soul.

Video: a heart attack run

Important link :

Pictures : http://multimedia.quotidianonet.ilsole24ore.com/?tipo=photo&media=12608


Owl, winning Palio on August 2009. Its link :

Hymn of the Owl: http://www.ilpaliodisiena.com/INNI/4%20Civetta%202.mp3

English version - History : http://www.ilpaliodisiena.com/italia/siena/contrade/pagine/civetta1e.htm

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